We welcome financial donations from members, regular visitors, and others who desire to support the ministry of Foothills Neighborhood Church. Your donations support pastoral compensation; the costs of worship, fellowship and other ministries; and temporary diaconate assistance to members in need. We currently have two ways to give.

By check:

A check can be dropped off at church on Sundays in the red offering box at the welcome table. You can also mail a check to 122A E Foothill Blvd #24 Arcadia, CA 91006.


As announced, we are no longer using the MNA donation portal. Please login and turn off any recurring giving you may have there: https://pcamna.app.neoncrm.com/np/clients/pcamna/login.jsp

Click on the button below to make a one-time donation or setup recurring gifts on our new giving platform powered by Nucleus.